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Love of Urban Design

Love of Urban Design® (LOUD) Garners Notoriety in South Florida Thanks to Founder’s Leadership and Dedication to Fashion, Art, Culture & Community

Love of Urban Design® (LOUD) has garnered a reputable name for itself in the South Florida art and fashion world thanks to the organization's various captivating events uplifting and spotlighting local artists and designers. This is all thanks to the leadership of LOUD’s founder/CEO, Karine Melissa, who produces events along with her team, throughout the year across Miami, with her biggest art and fashion runway show happening annually during Art Basel and Black Miami Art Week.

Melissa has built a brand and event programming that celebrates Black and Afro-Latina artists, fashion designers, and creatives in South Florida who create powerful culturally relevant art often inspired by Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America and beyond. With the fall season right around the corner and Art Basel only a few months away, Melissa is already planning her next series of art and fashion events for the biggest global art week in the year. “Me and my team have dedicated the last ten years to making LOUD™ the go-to curator and producer of remarkable art and fashion events that offer unforgettable social vibes for the culture throughout Miami,” Melissa said.

Melissa has worked with major brands like the Cool Creative and FFGAINS to platform their fashion brands and styles to the masses across South Florida, having a global digital reach and audience in the millions. “We’re proud to help evolve our Black art and fashion events while fostering our culturally relevant community that truly uplifts South Florida’s Black creatives,” Melissa said.

After a successful Art Basel season last year, LOUD® is proud to be the leading Art of Black event with the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau for the 2024 Art Basel season. “We’re currently working on an even bigger and more expansive series of Black art exhibits and fashion events for Art Basel 2024 as a part of the official Art of Black events celebrated by the GMCVB,” Melissa continued. Official event announcements will be published this fall on @LoveofUrbanDesign’s Instagram page and website (/www.loveofurbandesign.com). In the meantime, if there are new talented artists in South Florida who want to collaborate or participate in LOUD events, Melissa says they are encouraged to follow her (@KarineMelissa) and the LOUD organization on Instagram and reach out via private message for details.

Love of Urban Design (LOUD)® is an incubator and production company fostering a community dedicated to celebrating and uplifting creatives of the Black culture throughout South Florida and beyond. Headquartered in Miami and originally founded by Dr. Karine Melissa with co-owners Nandy Gelin, Tamara Smith, and KJP Enterprises, LOUD™ events and programs are where Black & Brown creatives get LOUD™ with their art. LOUD™ is a leading innovator in the art and fashion show sector with over a decade of experience of producing, hosting, promoting and platforming collective intellectual achievements of Black and Brown creatives in the art, fashion, accessory design, literary arts, cinematography, photography, culinary arts, beauty artistry, visual arts, decorative arts, design, performing arts, and DIY design sectors.

To learn more about LOUD™ or to join the community as a partner, sponsor, vendor or member, please visit loveofurbandesign.com/loudweek
Follow LOUD™ on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Learn more about the LOUD™ team online: loveofurbandesign.com/team-loud

More information is available on loveofurbandesign.com