Cameo Nightclub

Miami Beach | Nightclubs | Dance Clubs

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If you like Hip-Hop, Dance/Electronic, House and R&B music then the Cameo Club is for you. It has a beautiful sound system, and well-known DJ's. For people who enjoy Hip-Hop and similar music, the Cameo Club is able to furnish the very best available together with well-known DJ's. The interior of the club is beautifully decorated with a large dance floor for those who enjoy dancing and there are a number of stripper acts. Cameo presents many surprises, which make for an ultimate entertaining visit.

Best Entertainment

If you want an exciting evening that is filled with the latest music, performed by well-known DJ's, then the Cameo is the place to visit. This club has been completely rebuilt with a new look and has a large number of surprises for its guests. Beautifully decorated in vibrant colors and colorful lights, it has a large floor in the center of the room for patrons to enjoy an evening of dancing. Spectacular light shows add to the overall excitement of the club and celebrities are a common occurrence.

Best Service

In addition to excellent music, the club has a large number of strippers who perform amazing feats on poles, curtains and in other locations. Drinks of all kinds are available by the glass or by the bottle and specials are common. For an evening to let your hair down and really enjoy an evening out, Cameo is the place to go.

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1445 Washington Ave
Miami Beach, FL USA 33139

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