Sugar Factory Miami

Miami Beach | Restaurants | Cafe or Bistro Restaurants

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Sugar Factory Miami is located at 1144 Ocean Dr in Hotel Victor in South Beach.

Post Miami Beach is famous for its long list of desserts, which come in liquid and robust form. You'll find everything from candy-colored cocktails King Kong ice cream in size from the menu.

Excellent Desserts

Sugar Factory Miami arrived on Ocean Drive in South Beach and dentists and endocrinologist to enjoy the streets. This deduction and soft (not literally) steroid injections. Sugar Factory in Miami Beach has some excellent Martinis smoothies and desserts that are affected and your sweet tooth and entertainment. The place is also a tonne of fun. The staff is fantastic, and the atmosphere is a mixture of chill adult birthday party.

Sugar Factory Miami offers famous brand, including the famous bull sewing. It’s also Known for its attractive celebrity, and Pops sugar factory seams are sure to be a hit among the elite in Miami. Grab-and-go selections include news and bulk candy, snow cones, ice cream and sandwiches to ice cream to enjoy the promenade.

Sweetest Menu In Miami Beach

The menu in Miami sugar factory used during the day pancakes, pancakes, salads, burgers and desserts to satisfy like the legendary King Kong ice cream, hot chocolate, hot chocolate is frozen milkshake decadent. It also includes the movement of boxes of cookies with chocolate chips, made with Oreo cookies and other products, chocolate, caramel, vanilla ice cream and pure melted chocolate, topped with whipped cream and Oreo cookies.

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Hotel Victor, 1144 Ocean Dr.
Miami Beach, FL USA 33139
(305) 604-0323

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