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The DAM Gallery - Le composé, le raffiné, rencontre le sauvage

In November at The DAM Gallery, a group exhibition featuring works by Harry Skeggs, Hans Withoos, Miss Aniela, Alice Zilberberg, and Olga Kulakova exploring photographic compositions ranging from fashion and still life to vast savannas capturing natural settings and composed interiors where nature and beauty meet as well as wild animals and their environment.

Behind the lens of all the photographers is the search for beauty, keeping John Keats in mind—“Beauty is Truth, truth Beauty, - that is all/ ye know on earth, and all ye need to know,”—the desire for beauty is not just for aesthetics but also a search for truth, the essence of truth, the ontology of the object in the camera’s focus.

Also integral to the compositions is what we look at, how we look at it, and what it all means. Joshua C. Taylor states: “much of history of art is concerned with the re-clarification of subject matter that has become obscure with time. But such an understanding remains only one ingredient; it is not sufficient in itself to characterize the particular quality of a work of art… Clearly there are other forces in action, affecting our experience and contributing to the specific meaning of the work.” Those experiences can be simply defined as culture, memory, and history.

In each of the artworks presented, the viewer will see the response of the artist not only to the vignette, but to Time, and a likely desire to return to a time where elegance held a paramount position in culture.
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The DAM Gallery - Le composé, le raffiné, rencontre le sauvage

Article's Author: SFL Style Olga K.
Published in: art

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